Next to Cleanliness is Still Filthy
Normally, I LOVE to be organized, clean, sanitary, etc. Honestly. Ask Erik and April - they'll tell you I have a HUGE problem with the idea of running around the house bare-foot. Why? Around here, you do that and your likely to wind up with planter's wart on your soles. I've been there, done that. I love socks and slippers. They are my friends. If I'm preparing food, and some dry piece of celery lands on the newly washed kitchen floor, I don't care how many times you wash it or how little time it spent on the floor - it's NASTY! To me, anyway. When I was at WWC, my backpack and notebook were nearly always impecably organized (that was my real secret to getting good grades there, along with never sleeping and eating crappy cafe food). So, you would think that I'd have a neat-freak feddishness about me, right? Um, this is my bedroom. It's a granny unit stuck way at the back of my parents' house. This is what it normally looks like...
While it's true that I HAVE done some cleaning lately, I still have a long, LONG way to go...
While it's true that I HAVE done some cleaning lately, I still have a long, LONG way to go...
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