The Rock is Love: I Am God's

"I'm gonna go find myself! Road Trip!"

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Where I'm From

I found this poem on L & L's blog, and TOTALLY enjoyed it so much! It really IS Laura's life and upbringing in a nutshell :) I clicked a link, went to the template, and now want to give it a whack myself. This is a good exercise for me, as I am discovering for myself who I am, what it is that has made me who I am, etc. *Laura used it to show mainly her growing up years. I'd like to use it to show my Life in God as it is now. I hope that actually works ;) It's a New Life, only a few months old... I hope I have enough "material" to do this with :D

Where I'm From:

I am from the Bible, from the Fruits of the Spirit, from the Camacho's prayers, and Erik's Bible study.

I am from the flat Hill Road scene.

I am from the roses, tulips, butternut squash, cherry-tomatoes, and the green beens.

I am from political jokes and love of chocolate, from mother and the Roots and the Blooms.

I am from the need to yell and the need to be right all the time.

From "You are a ray of sunshine!" and "You aren't worth anything".

I am from Messianic-Jewish dancing, Shabbat, Havdallah, Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hoshannah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hannukah, and Purim. I am from the Bible's culture, customs, and ways as Israel has been lead by God Himself in both Testaments and beyond them.

I'm from Boulder, CO, the Ute, England, France, Germany, Russia, and Ireland. I am from German-Jewish cooking and waffles with butter and syrup.

From the travails and joys of autism, the hurts of knowing dad still doesn't like me, and the "joys" of mom's menopause.

I am from 70's cloth photo albums, photo files, slides, home movies, VHS and DVD family videos, photos on the wall and on the china-cupboard, and photos on our dressors. I am from countless hours of old family photo restoration projects on my computer that never really got finished.

I am from conception in the face of 4 different forms of birth control, from safety during over-head lightning storms and during car accidents (that both did and should have happened). I am from hundreds of hours filled with tears, and thousands filled with hollow laughter, and yet I'm still here because of God reaching out to me. I am from God.

*Laura extended hers into a warm and lengthy poetic form. To be honest, I'm just lucky to get all the blanks filled in!


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