I'm a What???
I just took this personality test at 158.careersite.com (after registering) through the Jobs.Tri-cities.com site. I think they hit the nail on the head... :p
By nature, you are inclined to be hightly outgoing, assertive and sociable. You will generally have little difficulty expressing yourself, working with others or functioning in group settings. In addition, you are likely to take a dominant or lead role in many situations. As a result, you may tend to seek out situations in which you can relate with and influence others.
You tend to be open-minded, imaginative and curious. You are likely to feel comfortable in roles which enable you to try out novel approaches, ideas and methods. At the same time, you may prefer to steer clear of environments which are highly routine or bureaucratic, as they depend upon individuals who prefer to stick to well-established rules and procedures.
Overall, you are likely to deal with most routine problems and situations with comfort, inner strength and resilience. While you may experience some heightened stress at times and would benefit from a management approach which is supportive, you will generally exhibit the resilience required to deal with these conditions and to move forward.
In dealing with others, you will usually come across to others as good natured, supportive and generous. At the same time, you can set limits with people if need be. You can also assume a tough-minded stance when independence and objectivity are required. In general, you will be friendly, cordial and get along well with customers, co-workers and others with whom you come in contact.
You are likely to be diligent and dependable, particularly when tasks are interesting and priorities and expectations are well-defined. At the same time, you may become bored or distracted with tasks that are overly routine or repetitive. As a result, you may want to seek out work environments in which there are opportunities to engage in a variety of activities and tasks. In addition, you may find it valuable to periodically review expectations with supervisors or others to make sure that your understanding of priorities are consistent with the needs of the organization.
Here's another personality test I took:
Hehehe - My Personal Dna Report ;)
And here are three more tests I took:

Which Nigerian spammer are You?

Which OS are You?

Which File Extension are You?
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